
Elina’s success techniques: Me puttying my chakras


Elina’s success techniques: Me puttying my chakras

Before I write further on the subject of energy centres, I would like to share my journey with chakras so far during the time I have been writing these articles. During this period, I have been travelling in South and Central America. 2018. In October 2009, I left my material life in a small box in Saaremaa and came with a suitcase and a handbag to study shamanism and yoga.

This journey has been physically, emotionally and mentally challenging. I am often confronted with my own shadow sides and I am learning to let go of everything that has defined me in the past. As the old self has fallen apart, putting the new one back together requires “learning the ropes”. It has been a humbling experience of death and rebirth, confronting me with situations that are familiar to me and contain lessons about myself.