Journey Of Letting Go, Getting To Know, Loving and Upgrading the Self & Discovering the Mind, Body, Spirit Mechanisms Of Transformation
Combination of meditation, breath, sound and movement in the group and personal sessions.
That helps you set goals, use what you’ve learned in the past to inform future action
And consider the Real-life implications of your thinking.
Share to inspire and get positive feedback.
Showing others your growth is lifting you and inspires the people around you. By sharing what you have learned with others you learn the most yourself. Lock it in!
Use your body to heal your mind.
Take advantage of the various resources to get into habit of meditation and breath work, hypnosis sessions and visualisation.
Transform through practices that allign your body, mind spirit.
“Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience. You need experience to gain wisdom.” – albert einstein
Joining the program you are part of a team! Immediately use what you have learned. You have the support to implement while the information is still fresh.
Every emotion not expressed gets stored in muscle structure and connective tissue. Wilhelm Reich the founder of modern psychoanalysis gave us excellent guidance on how to locate the blockages in the body and what is needed for.
Use your body to heal your soul.
Every time you compromise your true needs or desires, the energy your body created to get what it needs got stuck in the body. Here you find out what are the, behaviours, beliefs and directions currently controlling your life.
You awaken your inner guru for greater self awareness.
An overwhealm of meditations can easily lead us away from what is actually useful. To get results in optimal time you need your spiritual practice to be aligned with your mental and physical direction. You will receive medical meditations that support you holistically.
Fall in love with all parts of yourself.
Consistency, accountablility and support are the golden keys to transformation. We will not let you slip because we know how important it is for you to get the results you deserve. You will be assigned an accountability buddy who makes sure you keep the promises you made to yourself.
Get results by staying on track – WE GOT YOU!